Yvonne Bourgoin

I am a real life painter making digital art in photoshop and showing it on second life and of course in real life.

Painting in photoshop? Yes you can, if you have it try it.
Beside painting i also restore oil paintings and old furniture.

I also make acrylic paintings in real life and sometimes watercolor, but don’t show them here in second life.

I hope you enjoy!

Cullum Writer – Biography (2019)

Born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Cullum found her artistic inspiration here in SL with the SL’s tool known as “snapshot” she found the happiness to capture and perpetuate images that touched her sensibility with the harmony and grace of their forms and colors.
Her curiosity led her to try new techniques as fractals, collage, developing her graphic art.

She already had presented her works in some SL galleries as: Ice Cavern, Yardley Art´s, Pirats Influence Art Gallery Community, The Modern Art Museum Buenos Aires, Teatro Tom Jobim Gallery, For Life Expo, Studio Mfume, Aakriti Arts, Centro das Artes,The Rose Theatre, La Maison d´Aneli, K&W Galllery, Burning Life, Barerose, Small World Arts, kulturcafe, Invisible Gallery, Rainbow Painters Gallery, Universidade de Aveiros, Peacock Art Gallery, Cidade Espiritual de Nosso Lar Galeria, Niflheimr Art Gallery, Raizes and LEA also has her art presented on FLICKR.

South wind nov 07

Nascida em Porto Alegre, Brasil, Cullum sentiu sua inspiração artística aqui no SL encontrando na ferramenta de SL – snapshot-o prazer de capturar e perpetuar as imagens que lhe tocavam a sensibilidade tendo em vista a harmonia e graça de suas formas e cores.
Sua curiosidade a levou a experimentar novas técnicas como : fractais, colagem, desenvolvendo a arte grafica.

Ja apresentou seus trabalhos em algumas galerias como: Ice Cavern Art, Yardley Art´s, Pirats, Influence Art Gallery Community, The Modern Art Museum Buenos Aires, Teatro tom jobim Gallery, For Life Expo, Studio Mfume, Aakriti Arts , Centro das Artes, The Rose Theatre, La Maison d´Aneli, K&W Gallery, Burning Life, Barerose, Small World Arts, kulturcafe, Invisible Gallery, Rainbow Painters Gallery, Universidade de Aveiros , Peacock Art Gallery, Cidade Espiritual de Nosso Lar Galeria, Raizes and LEA e tem amostra de sua arte no FLICKR.

South wind nov 07